Inwards & Onwards movement is a practice that enhances physical, mental, and emotional strength. By engaging the body in cardio, strength training, and dynamic yoga poses, the practice creates space for self-reflection, expression, and release through the body. Merging yoga and fitness as a form of emotional fitness – it's a workout for the body, mind, and soul to create a deeper connection to self.

We don’t have to live in the stories that we have been telling our selves

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My name is Camilla.

I’m an empath, a seeker, and a feeler.

I intend to live life from an authentic, compassionate, and passionate place.

After numerous years working within the fashion industry, I recently finished a degree in Fine Arts. I’ve always been looking for both inner and outer beauty. This has not always been a comfortable path, but my lifetime passion for yoga and health has propelled my desire to grow, elevate and expand. I believe that cultivating your inner landscape will teach you to find a deeper compassion for yourself.

That is why I’ve created Inwards & Onwards movement a practice that builds more strength, awareness, and inner connection in your life. It’s an uplifting workout to help you and I release stagnation and limiting beliefs, making space for more joy, and acceptance.

Looking inward for growth